Himachal Pradesh Administrative Services (Aptitude Test Part-3) - 2014

1.       Which of the following does not fall under the dark side of charismatic leadership?
A.   Narcissism
B.   Self-Aggrandizement
C.   Petty tyranny
D.   Obsessive concern with perfection
2.       The extent to which two individuals share the same attitudes about a range of topics is known as:
A.   Cognitive dissonance
B.   Attitude similarity
C.   Similarity-dissimilarity effect
D.   Cognitive consonance
3.       As humans are aware of the inevitability of their own death, they confront existential terror. This statement explains:
A.   Self-monitoring
B.   Self-complexity
C.   Terror management theory
D.   Regular focus theory
4.       Ravi works in a firm. He has respect for himself and believes in the capability and competence of others. He trusts others and is trusted by others. What kind of style Ravi has?
A.   Secured attachment style
B.   Selective avoidance style
C.   Self reference effect style
D.   Social facilitation style
5.       Hari is not a person who is bothered much about his friends and colleagues. However, he wants to have control on all the information about the activities they undertake including their resources and participation in different activities and events. Which one of the following is the main component of Hari’s nature?
A.   Influence
B.   Leadership
C.   Mentoring
D.   Power
6.       Which one of the following represents the cognitive component of an attitude?
A.   ‘I just love Punjabi Food’
B.   ‘Tonight we are going to that new Punjabi restaurant’
C.   ‘Punjabi food is the best food of Asian Cuisine’
D.   ‘I am going to make Bhature Chhole tonight’
7.       Ramesh is trying to persuade the farmers to adopt a new kind of technology. Which one of the following he should not include in his efforts?
A.   Information about the technology or his own expertise
B.   Significant issues in his message
C.   Gather a crowd who support his idea
D.   Find the characteristics of the audience
8.       When a person tries to cope by eliminating or changing the stressor directly, it is known as:
A.   A defense mechanism
B.   Problem focused coping
C.   Self-focused coping
D.   Emotion focused coping
9.       When Shivani is presenting an argument against then views of Subodh, both give out their ideas, provide counter offers and are ready to give concession either directly or through representatives. This process can be labeled as:
A.   Availability heuristics
B.   Negotiation
C.   Authentic dissent
D.   Augmented principle
10.   The differential styles initially developed in the interaction between infant and caregiver when the infant acquires basic attitudes about self worth, security and interpersonal trust, refers to:
A.   Attachment styles
B.   Anchoring and adjustment heuristics
C.   Attitude accessibility
D.   Attribution
11.   Nikhil is basically a helpful person. One day he is with his close friends and witnesses an accident. Nikhil does not take any initiative in helping the victim as he is with his close group. The kind of behavior is known as:
A.   Identity interference
B.   Stereotype formation
C.   Implicit bystander effect
D.   In-group differentiation
12.   Which theory suggests that norms will influence behavior only to the extent they are focal for the person involved at the time the behavior occurs?
A.   Normative focus theory
B.   Normative social influence
C.   Social conformity
D.   Cognitive dissonance
13.   When we collectively misunderstand what attitudes other hold, and believe erroneously that others have different attitudes than ourselves, we are getting involved in:
A.   Prejudice
B.   Pre-occupied attachment style
C.   Optimistic bias
D.   Pluralistic ignorance
14.   Sanjay behaves with his group of friend s in his college which brings bad name to the value of the identity of his group. As a consequence his group members pass derogatory remarks to him so that their group identity is protected. How would you identify the position of Sanjay?
A.   A bully
B.   A black-sheep
C.   An abnormal personality
D.   A threatened person
15.   The individual’ judgment about whether they are receiving a fair share of available rewards – a share proportionate to their contributions to the group or any social relationship refers to:
A.   Distributive justice
B.   Discounting principle
C.   Ego-defensive function
D.   Procedural justice
16.   Shankar is trying to change the attitude of Piyush. In his effort he uses various types of messages and arguments. This is known as:
A.   Negotiation
B.   Attribution
C.   Persuasion
D.   Attitude formation    
17.   Why people come under social influence? What is the fundamental assumption in this regard? Choose your option:
A.   Some people have low self esteem
B.   People in general are like sheep; they like to be influenced
C.   People are influenced by bribes or rewards
D.   People expect to see the same world as everyone else does and are influenced by perceptions of others; also if they admit seeing the world as different, they may look like fools
18.   When we change our mind because we are genuinely persuaded by a group’s position, we are conforming because of:
A.   Internalization
B.   Compliance
C.   Disinterest
D.   Externalization
19.   Which is the term that describes a state in which a person misinterprets? What others believe, and then use that misinterpretation s evidence about what must be true?
A.   Pluralistic responsibility
B.   Diffusion of responsibility
C.   Bystander intervention
D.   Pluralistic ignorance
20.   When people overestimate the typically of their own behavior, they are showing:
A.   Ethnocentrism
B.   Attribution to internal causes
C.   Emotion driven thought
D.   Ego-centric bias

Click here to read Part-1, Click here to read Part-2, HAS Paper (GS)-2014 
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Author: Karun

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